Provider info

Why use a dentist anesthesiologist?

Comfort: Perform dentistry in the comfort of your own dental office. We provide all of the necessary equipment and medications for anesthesia, allowing you to perform your best work.

Safety: Patient safety is our number one priority. We rigorously screen patients to ensure that they can safely be seen in the dental office setting. Additionally, we bring all required equipment and medications in case an adverse event does occur.

Cost: Avoid an expensive visit to the hospital for you and your patient. Save time by avoiding the long wait of a hospital and ensure that your patients receive timely care.

Anesthesia In 4 Easy Steps

Email, call, or text us to schedule an appointment with one of our dentist anesthesiologists.

Collect RMDA anesthesia paperwork from the patient or have them complete it online and send our office relevant details about the case.

Ensure that your office is equipped with oxygen, suction, and other requirements outlined in our RMDA Welcome Info Packet.

Confirm the appointment date and time with the patient and our office and enjoy providing dental work in the comfort of your dental office!

Anesthesia Services

IV sedation: We run medications through an IV to keep the patient comfortable. Patient is breathing oxygen through a nasal cannula. Since there is not a protected airway, extra caution must be given to water and other materials to enter the back of the mouth.

Nasal Intubation General Anesthesia: We place a nasotracheal tube to protect the patient's airway, allowing you to work more efficiently.